Welcome to AMP!

Here at Weber Elementary,  we love our AMP. They provide students with the holistic education that all students need and deserve.  Here are some reasons why our specialist team is so important to us: (1)  Differentiated Learning Not all students excel in traditional academic subjects like math and language arts. Specials offer alternative avenues for success, allowing students to shine in areas where they may have natural talents or interests. (2) Cultural Enrichment Specials often expose students to diverse cultures and perspectives. Through music, art, and sports from around the world, children learn to appreciate diversity and develop empathy and understanding for others. (3) Cognitive Benefits Specials stimulate different areas of the brain, enhancing cognitive development. For example, learning to read music or paint requires different skills than solving math problems, leading to more well-rounded cognitive abilities. 

Our AMP team provides several enrichment activities that take place before, after, and during school. So of those opportunities include: